Hey ! Enter your daily life activity records
2019 DEC 14
Why should I record my daily life activities?
Recording your diary helps you keep tracks of your actions, promesses, goals that you monitor closely to see progress of your life and mistakes to learn from
2019 DEC 13
Life is wonderful and full of surprises, bad and good.
It is hard to predict what might happen to us in case if you loose your memory because health issue. One of the best preventive option is to keep track of your daily diary which may help feeding back your brain with the daily diary life actvities record.
2019 DEC 12
What future technology may unveil
Some few companies are working already on the possibilities to upload or download human brain memories which has been tested already with the mice. This technology is revolutionirising our civilization already to this day.
2019 DEC 11
Memories upload and download to help Cryonic's revival in the near future
Cryonics seeks to freeze someone after they have legally died in order to keep their body and mind as undamaged as possible.
This aims to buy the patient time until future medical science can bring them back to life, and cure them of whatever it is they died from. You can apply here to be cryonicaly frozen if you don't wish to be buried or cremated when your time comes. APPLY NOW